全国服务热线 15075635237


发布时间: 2011-04-22 12:07 更新时间: 2011-04-22 12:07


the glass wool production process is approximately as follows 

the raw material according to certain proportion mix,then by enters the material mouth to enter the kiln stove where it melts the glass water condition after the high temperature,the glass water enters the high speed helical centrifuge where it becomes the flocculence by the centrifugal action ,then the flocculence along with conveyer belt to curing oven where it takes shape by the high temperature and being sprayed  the cementing agent. the it can be called the glass wool .then it be take shapes (such as the glass wool felt and the glass wool board ) ,finally it be packed to the storehouse.



  • 地址:中国 河北 廊坊 大城县 东马村
  • 邮编:065900
  • 电话:86-03165195561
  • 经理:李建冰
  • 手机:15075635237
  • 传真:86 0316 5788561